Sesame Seeds Control Cholesterol and Fats - Kare Your Health
Seasme Seeds or Til ka Beej

Sesame Seeds Control Cholesterol and Fats

Sesame seed is a nutrient-rich food item for winters. According to the study, consuming 2 tablespoons of sesame seeds daily reduces the increased cholesterol and also prevents heart-related diseases. Everyone must eat sesame seeds to control cholesterol and fats.

Sweets made from sesame are widely eaten a lot during the winter season. These days, from til ladoos to salad toppings, we use it in some form or the other in every dish. After all, eating sesame seeds provides many health benefits.

Nutrition and Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds (तिल का बीज)

Nutrients like protein, calcium, manganese, vitamin E, and fiber are found in very good amounts, which are effective in getting rid of problems related to the heart, stress, and diabetes. It also proves beneficial in reducing the risk of lung cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. It is because of all these health benefits that sesame is discussed in Ayurveda for thousands of years. In Chinese medicine, sesame seeds are being used very prominently.

It is known to all that cholesterol is called a silent killer, which is a major cause of heart disease. Often we do not know how many levels of cholesterol (bad and good) should be in our bodies. We unknowingly keep eating fried and fatty foods with great pleasure. This is when you know that you start having problems and through a lipid profile test it is found that your cholesterol level is increased.

There has been a tradition in India for centuries to consume sesame seeds and their oil during the winter. Whether it is consumed on the arrival of the New Year or on Vaisakhi and Makar Sankranti, it has great importance.

Sesame seeds health benefits

In a research, a study published in Nutrition Research, sesame seeds are helpful in controlling bad cholesterol and high triglyceride levels. Actually, sesame contains monounsaturated fatty acids, which are known to reduce cholesterol from the body and controls inflammation. Not only this, it proves to be a panacea in many other diseases.

Let us know and understand how Sesame seeds control cholesterol and reduce fat from your body?

How does it work?

According to studies, consuming 2-3 teaspoons of sesame seeds daily helps in controlling lipids. It lowers LDL cholesterol by 8-16 percent and total cholesterol by 8 percent. Since the amount of fat in sesame is very high, many studies have recommended consuming sesame instead of calories in your daily diet.

  1. Those who are struggling with tummy fat and want to reduce belly fat, waist fat, and thigh fat should regularly consume 1 small spoon of sesame seeds with warm water with an empty stomach.
  2. Sesame Seeds are an excellent source of protein that optimizes your metabolic process so that you feel full for longer and you avoid consuming more calories which is an important factor for weight loss.
  3. According to studies, sesame seeds are very effective in controlling bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Several studies have shown that the sesamin (It has been used as a dietary fat-reduction supplement) found in sesame helps inhibit the absorption of cholesterol from the small intestine and may also reduce the activity of the enzyme HMG COA reductase, which is responsible for making cholesterol in the body.
  4. In another study, It is found that in just two months, 3.6 mg of sesame seeds reduced LDL by 16 percent and total cholesterol by 8 percent. Also, alpha-linoleic acid found in sesame is known to reduce triglyceride levels.
  5. Not only this, the soluble fiber found in sesame reduces the level of LDL cholesterol in the blood by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol in the blood.
  6. High protein, fiber, healthy fat, and low sugar intake of sesame is considered best in the winter season. The best way to include these seeds in your diet is by adding them to whole wheat bread and muffins. If you want, you can also add some roasted seeds to your salad or soup.
  7. Mixing your seeds in granola, nuts and other seeds for breakfast is also a great option. You can also use sesame oil for cooking and frying during the winter season.

Sesame is rich in nutrients, but it is always suggested to consult a nutrition expert before making any dietary changes to avoid any side effects.

Side effects of Sesame Seeds

We should know that too much of anything is very bad and this also applies to Sesame Seeds. As much as it has infinite benefits, it can also do harm if it is taken excessively or more than necessary.

You may have some health problems and sometimes it can prove fatal. Let us know what happens due to excessive use of Sesame Seeds.

Side effects of sesame seeds

  1. It can lower your blood pressure and blood sugar level if taken excessively. Those who have low blood pressure may use it in a very moderate way.
  2. If used more than necessary, it also gives you weight gain, so eat accordingly.
  3. Anaphylaxis or Sesame allergy is also one of the most common side-effects that appear due to the consumption of sesame seeds. It has been observed that people face, nausea, difficulty to breath, and shock when it is eaten beyond the desired quantity.
  4. Individuals who have gout problems should use it only after consulting their health experts.

If you want to use Sesame Seeds in specific diseases, then it would be better to consult with your health experts or doctors.


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