Amazing health benefits of Kiwi - Kare Your Health
Health benefits of Kiwi

Amazing health benefits of Kiwi

Kiwi is a citrus fruit and has less popularity in large areas of India, but the health benefits of Kiwis are immense. From the health point of view, it is a boon for our healthiness. Kiwi with brown skin is soft, green in color from inside. Small black seeds are also present in it. Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, E, Dietary fiber.  It is Vitamin –B6, Magnesium, and also enriched with antioxidants.


Amazing health benefits of Kiwi – You should know

It is not that you have never eaten kiwi but yes, it is not as popular as we know about all other fruits. In India, doctors recommend eating kiwi to a person suffering from dengue or chikungunya. In such diseases, the platelets are greatly reduced. It has been observed that kiwi improves the platelet counts very rapidly. Kiwi cures many other diseases and makes our body healthy and beautiful. Let us try to understand it more.

Keeps the eyes healthy and enhances the beauty

Kiwi helps to reduce macular degeneration to a good extent. Eating 2 kiwis daily protects muscular degeneration by 24% (percent). If you have a problem with muscular degeneration of your eyes, then you must eat a kiwi. Vitamin E and antioxidants present in it will strengthen the muscles of your eyes so that your vision problem will be removed. Kiwi plays a moderate role in improving beauty and skin texture. Vitamin C in Kiwi boosts glutathione levels that help to maintain skin health and whitens skin. It stimulates collagen levels. Kiwis are loaded with phytonutrients that help protect DNA from damage.

Helps in getting sound sleep

Eating kiwi fruit helps in quality sleep. There is still more research and scientific evidence that kiwi is helpful for sleep. Kiwis are enriched with Serotonin, antioxidants, and other phytonutrients that potentially help improve quality sleep and insomnia. If you want quality sleep and improve your stress level then you may eat 4-6 slices of Kiwi before going to bed.

Relieves constipation

Kiwi helps a lot in relieving constipation. Regular consumption of kiwi also benefits the problem of constipation. The presence of fiber also improves indigestion. Kiwi makes the intestine healthy and also work on any kind of inflammation in it. So we must include it in our diet.

Nutrients in Kiwi

Controls cholesterol

Cholesterol also remains under control by eating kiwi. If you start taking Kiwi regularly, the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the body is reduced and the amount of HDL (good cholesterol) increases. As we know the Cholesterol is a silent killer and people do not give attention.

If you want to manage your triglycerides and LDL cholesterol, then kiwi can prove to be a very beneficial fruit for you. If you use 1-2 kiwis regularly in your diet, then in just one week your triglycerides are reduced by about 15-20%. Kiwi is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, and Polyphenol, which are very good for the heart. This increases the amount of HDL and reduces bad cholesterol.

Helpful in reducing inflammation

Inflammatory properties are found in Kiwi. Apart from this, it is very helpful in healing internal wounds and inflammation of the body. If you have arthritis or if your joints are swollen, then try kiwi fruit once, it will give you good results. Some research suggests that its consumption provides relief when there is muscle inflammation and is also beneficial in ligament injuries.

Kiwi reduces asthma

Consumption of kiwi also beneficial in asthma. Vitamin E is found in good quantity in Kiwi which is good for your lungs. If you have asthma, then this fruit is good for you too. In a survey, about 3000 people were tested; it shows that eating kiwi also benefited in asthma.

Beneficial in pregnancy

Green kiwi contains many nutrients that prove beneficial for the health of pregnant women and unborn babies. This fruit is nutritious as well as tasty. It is low in sugar and fat and is rich in vitamin C. That’s why eating kiwi during pregnancy is good. It helps in reducing the risk of miscarriage. Kiwi is beneficial to those infants who suffer from brain-related issues and spinal cord problems. If it is given regularly to kids their immunity level improves, it nourishes cells and helps in the absorption of iron in the body.

Controls high blood pressure

Kiwi immensely helps in controlling high blood pressure. The bioactive elements that present in Kiwi may help reduce blood pressure. If those whose blood pressure remains slightly higher than normal should eat 1-2 kiwis daily so that the blood pressure remains normal. Being a citrus fruit, it regulates blood flow in the body.

Boosts immunity

We all should know that about 240% of the daily dose of vitamin C is found in kiwi, which can be the perfect diet to maintain immunity. Vitamin C boosts other minerals present in our body, which increases the immunity of our surgeon. Therefore, we must include kiwi in our regular diet. *If you are going through a post-Covid-19 weakness, then kiwi can be an amazing health benefit for you.

Kiwi for Health
Kiwi – Your health partner

Removes acne and wrinkles

Kiwi not only benefits your health rather it also enhances your beauty. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in it make your skin glowing. By eating this, your blood circulation remains fine, which prevents pimples and acne and keeps a glow on the face.

Improves hair quality and gives shine

Consumption of kiwi also improves hair health. Hair loss and breakage are less and the hair is long and strong. Also, the hair grows brighter and the hair does not turn white too quickly.

Good for No blood clotting

The person who has complaints of blood clotting or blood coagulation must eat a kiwi. Because it has antithrombotic properties so that the blood does not get clot and remains thin. Due to which our heart pumps well. It saves us from many heart diseases. It protects us from Stroke and kidney-related diseases also.

To be taken in the form of – Whole Kiwi fruit, Smoothies, Salads and Custard


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